Coordinated Examination Service
From 1 March, 2023, the Coordinated Exam Service is responsible for staffing invigilators for the exams conducted in the Annex (MA8, MA9, MA10 - Sölvegatan 20, Lund). This is a first step towards a joint exam administration and organization with a pool of invigilators. This will gradually be extended to apply to other exam rooms at LU. The project should result in streamlined exam management for the entire University with University-wide guidelines for classroom exams, better conditions for digital exams and a collective competence with better quality of exams. The project strives to be able to free up premises and working hours in faculties both for administrators, teachers and directors of studies.
The project's steering group is led by vice-chancellor Lena Eskilsson and consists of representatives from the faculties/equivalents, LUS and from the University administration. Project manager is Elin Engman, LDC.
Exams in the Annexet-building
Ordering and scheduling of study room places in the Annexet-buildning (MA8, MA9, MA10) is handled by Shared lecture halls. Coordinated examination service staffs the examinations conducted in the Annex with invigilators. Each department that has an exam in the Annex is responsible for submitting the exam and other material to the Coordinated Exam Service.
Practical information with submission times etc. is collected in a Teams group, for access to this group and other questions contact: Tentamensservicebygg.luse